
Tamil Against Genocide

Tamils Against Genocide (TAG), a US based Tamil advocacy group, has presented evidence for two sections of the accusations. Ms. Janani Jananayagham pleaded in her presentation for the inclusion of the charge of Genocide into the accusations. Rajeev Sreetharan presented evidence for the accusation of attacks on hospitals and extra-judicial killings by the Sri Lankan forces. Their oral testimony has been supported by the following documents:


Power Point Presentation [pdf: 157kb]

Preliminary written submissions [pdf: 237kb]

Genocides and politicides since 1945 [pdf: 128kb]

Genocide in Sri Lanka 101: Sheet 2 [pdf: 133kb]

Model indictment for Genocide against Gotabhaya Rajapakse and Sarath Fonseka [pdf: 6,32MB]

War Crimes in Sri Lanka – Prof. Francis Boyle [pdf: 2,06MB]

Briefing of US State Department by GenocideWatch [pdf: 137kb]

Sri Lanka – Camps, Media,… Genocide? [pdf: 1,01MB]

Genocide Prevention Project – Report 2009 [pdf: 197kb]

Attacks on hospitals and extra-judcial killings

Authentification of video material showing extra-judicial killings of unarmed prisoners [pdf: 1,92MB]

Extra-judicial killing of five Tamil students in Trincomalee [pdf: 1,18MB]

Satellite imagery evidence of shelling of PTK Hospital [pdf: 5,45MB]

Presentation and written submission [pdf: 101kb]


Commodore R.S. Vasan

Commodore R.S. Vasan from India, former Naval Commander and now head of Strategic and Security Studies Centre in Chennai, analysed how the Sri Lankan State defended itself to protect its sovereignity, territial integrity and national security against a seperatist movement. He had been invited to the Tribunal in order to explain the position of the Sri Lankan Government. Apart from his oral testimony he hs submitted the following documents:

Presentation – Written [60kb]

Presentation – Powerpoint [351kb]


Paul Newman

The Indian Scholar Paul Newman has focussed in his testimony refugees and human rights especially in the aftermath of the war. His presenation was as follows:

Presentation [pdf: 208kb]


Peter Schalk

Prof. Peter Schalk from the University of Upsala in Sweden has given evidence concerning the role of the European Union in the breakdown of the Ceasefire Agreement of 2002. Apart of his oral testimony he has submitted the following documents:

Pax Americana, the EU and the Tamil Resistance Movement [pdf: 293kb]


Ulf Henricsson

General Major Ulf Henricsson from Sweden is a former head of mission of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM), the observing body of the ceasefire agreement between the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan Government. He led the SLMM from 1st of April until the 31st of August 2006. His oral testimony has been supported by the submission of the following documents:

End of Mission [pdf: 316kb]

Presentation [pdf: 595kb]